Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Washington D.C. 2006 Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Changing of the guards. Arlington National Cemetery.

Wreath Laying at The Toumb of the Unknown Soldier (East Middle School)

The presentation of the east middle school wreath at the toumb of the unknown soldier at arlington national cemetary in Washington D.C.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

INTERNATIONAL READERSHIP is something that one ought to pay attention to when posting a blog, and I have not done that very well.

As I learn how to utilize this media my first thoughts were of local and national politics, and my posts were of my views on those subjects.

Now the recent elections are over, my only comments are that I fear the results even though the recent rhetoric states that "bipartisanship" will be the newest password in the land. That remains to be seen! Unfortunately if theory is correct the Democratic politicians believe that government is the answer to all our problems, and if there is a problem the government will solve that problem, and all it takes is the appropriate money to pay for the very governmental unit that will be created to solve the problem. They seem to fail to realize that taxation has been the motivator for lots of conflict in our history, in fact beginning with the very formation of our country based on "taxation without representation".

SO TIME WILL TELL, and we will watch closely to see how things go from here!
REAL PURPOSE OF THIS PARTICULAR POSTING is to make comments about the most important conflict in this world today!

TERRORISM!!! As a student trying to learn the reasoning and rational behind the movement of the terrorists around the world it seems to come down to one word, RELIGION!!!

We in the US cannot understand the thinking of those who are intense on killing all who do not belong to their religion. This country (the US) was founded on the principles of freedom, primarily religious freedom, but freedom in general. ALL existing citizens of this country have never known anything BUT religious freedom!
Now there has arisen an element (mostly in foreign lands, primarily the "middle East") that is determined that all people must convert to Islam OR ELSE!
As my studying of the subject has revealed, they are determined to take over the world based on this intense desire for all to belong to their religion!

The press release of last week whereby one of the El Quida leaders (perhaps self proclaimed), stated the ultimate desire to blow up the White House, allow the US troops to stay in Iraq longer so they could kill more of them, and "shed more blood" pretty much spells it out.

In the statement this IDIOT calls President Bush and our military "cowards". What a joke!!! These terrorists who hide behind and among the civilians, lurk in the shadows, kill their own people are calling those ready to stand forward defend against these actions COWARDS!!!!

Our own "political correctness" has gotten us into this mess! An example of that was the Abu Graib fiasco. This was not much more than a frat house initiation, yet the "do gooders" of the world came all up in arms because the people that had been trying to kill us we made to walk around in their underwear and became afraid when dogs barked at them!! They talk of being made to stand for long periods of time, and it was suggested that the length of time was more than 4 or 5 hours. I know several people that have to do that everyday, it's called a JOB!!!
BACK TO THE POINT!! Refresh your memory, and your history, go back to the subject of the CRUSADES! Now I'm no history expert but recall that the Crusades were religious wars many years ago, before people became civilized and somehow realized that allow your neighbor to worship in a manner different than oneself was not really a problem. We in this country have evolved to the belief of "live and let live", meaning that as long as your neighbors actions are legal, then he should be allowed to do as he wishes, so long as no one is hurt!!!


One will remember that in 1945 the solution to stop the killing of Americans and Japaneese was to release an awesome power on the source of the problem, the peoples who "started it all", the Japaneese. At that time no one ever heard of "political correctness", and although it was terrible, IT STOPPED THE BLOODSHED!!!
If these terrorists are determined to continue as they have been, to cowardly to stand forward and fight for THEIR beliefs then after they have finally pissed off enough people the solution might be to eliminate them just as was done in Japan. This, of course, will probably never happen and could only happen when the entire worlds governments all agreed that terrorism has to stop, but bottom line is to annilate the cowardly bastards that wish to kill all others for no REAL reason!

Keep one thought in mind----as you perhaps feel my message is WAY TO STRONG--- just realize if there were a way that the terrorist organizations could NUKE the US ----THEY WOULD MOST CERTAINLY DO SO WITHOUT ANY HESITATION WHAT SO EVER!!!!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Boy it's scary, it could have been President Kerry , (I'm a poet and don't know it)!
The guy showed his true colors today, ever see anybody jump around to avoid saying, "opps, I shouldn't have said that in that manner and I didn't mean it!!"
Did you notice he never said, "I'm sorry" or " I apologize", in fact one of his first statements released was, "I apologize to nobody"! Later on rather than sticking his mug in front of a camera and apoligizing, he makes a statement on his web site saying he regretted saying what he did about the military!!! He has so much hatred HE CAN'T SAY I'M SORRY! There is a big difference between "regret" and "I'm sorry".!
The Republicans are saying, "see, one of the leaders of the pack, so much hate for President Bush and his administration, they HATE the military, will tell you they support the troops, but THEY DON'T WANT US TO WIN THIS WAR!!!"
On the other hand, the Dems are saying, "oh that little thing, it doesn't amount to anything, he made a slip of the tongue as he was trying to tell a joke"!!
BULL!!!!!! The hatred for the President of our United States is SINFUL!!!
The man is handed this can of worms, trying his level best to put our country in a safe postion, and the Dems wouldn't pee on him if he was on fire!!
I saw Pat Boone on FOX News today, (you bet I watch Fox News, it's the ONLY place where you'll get both sides of the story, and not be spoon fed anti-Bush rhetoric), Pat Boone pointed out that one of the early flags of our country was a snake on a solid field, (yes a snake), with a banner on the flag that said, DON'T TREAD ON ME!!
He pointed out that our fledgling country was issuing a warning that we would strike back at those that thought they could come to our country and harm us (9/11)!!
One might have expected Pat Boone to be rather liberal, BUT HE'S NOT!!
Kerry, you are DONE!!!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Baldwin is gay you know, (hell I'm "happy" but I'm not "gay"), she's about as far left as you can get.
Magnum is a down to earth, hard working businessman that want's to try to make things better for our country! To be honest, I'm afraid of his chances, but cannot understand that there are so many people that just want to "smell the roses", and not try to really "fix" anything.
I can believe that of the population of Madison, the "world of Dane", but I hope the the remainder of this district has more common sense than to re-elect this flower child!
She, like most of the rest of the left, don't have any constructive ideas, they simply like to tear apart the ideas and suggestions of others!
Our local daily is full of those attempting to tell the world that it's completely natural for two men or two women to be married to each other!!!
Anybody that's got there head screwed on right knows that "it ain't so"!
Now I don't really give a damm if they want to live together and do weird things in the bedroom, as long as they leave me alone, BUT!!!
One of the main reasons for them to wish for this to happen, (that is to be married to another of the same sex), is to be able to cash in on the benefits associated with the employment of the other person.
That's a huge financial burden facing US!
So here's the theory, suppose I don't have health insurance, or my coverage is very expensive with high deductibles. Then I run into some guy that works for our wonderful State of Wisconsin that has absolutely the best health insurance that the States money can buy. Hell, buddy let's you and me get married. I can drop my lousy health insurance, give you a bit of the premium that I was paying, and I can use your health coverage for we are now MAN AND WIFE!!!!!
VOTE YES!!! Keep marriage what it has been 1 man, 1 woman.
Here we are a week away from decision day. Today's local left leaning daily (Baraboo News Republic), points out that "Diamond Jim Veto Doyle has a lot more money to spend than candidate Mark Green.
I wonder why? I wonder where it came from? Anybody that doesn't have his head in the sand (or somewhere else where it's very dark), ought to be able to figure it out, it's GOVERNOR FOR SALE!!! His last term was full of the corruption. It began 2 days after he was in office, as he did an illegal signing of the Native American compacts!!! What the hell is that all about, Wis. Supreme Court said it was illegal, but then what?????
If you want a state contract, give Diamond Jim some money!!! Adelman travel is one of the best examples of that, and how many more are there that went undiscovered. He's a sleasbag!!
The only thing he's really good at is lying and he's great with the veto pen. Typical of lefties he can't come up with anything positive, be he can sure rip up any attempt of things positive!!!
The polls say he's ahead, God, I can't believe it, but then again I can't believe the Clinton got to be President, TWICE!!!!
You may want to visit www.doyleforsale.com , it's spelled out for you there!
The left has a commercial out putting the "bad mouth" on Mark Green. The thing says he's connected with "BIG OIL". Hmmmmm, wonder what big oil is? Do you suppose it's the oil companies that are owned by people that own oil company stock, possibly in the 401k that much of the public has? If that were the case, then BIG OIL is owned by the "American stockholder", and anyone that has a 401K might very well own some BIG OIL!!!!
The Doylies have nothing positive to say about their man, so it's "try to slice up Mark Green"!!!!
We need to get rid of DOYLE!!!!

Monday, October 30, 2006

Have decided to begin to use this tool for the manner intended, as I see it, that's to write a personal diary for the world to see if anyone gives a damm!
We have an election coming up very soon! I fear the "do-gooder" cry babies from the left might win more seats than they should. Our country is becoming more and more split each day. The country has forgotten those famous words, "united we stand, divided we fall"!!!
We as a nation have become more and more like the "flower children" of the sixties! We as a nation cannot face reality, or we prefer not to!!
Where does one begin, with the terrorism activities that began years ago and were overlooked by the left because it was easier "turn the other cheek"!!
The left seems to believe that "more government is good". They seem to think that government will solve all their problems, when in fact government IS the problem! One must learn from mistakes, and not just turn the other cheek because it feels good to be non-confrontational, and nobody raises their voice and we can "all get along"!! Well, anyone that really believes that, (and there are many), has NEVER BEEN ANYWHERE!!!
They think the world is made up of "good neighbors" and, well, I have news for you, THAT AIN'T SO!!!!

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Sunday, November 20, 2005

I have run onto a terrific posting that explains the situation! I cannot find anything "wrong" with his explanation and it's very scary!
PLEASE read the remarks made by Maj. Gen. Vernon Chong. It can be found in a number of places but a fast easy place to find it is... http://www.redbudfarms.com/dogs_of_war_write.htm
This man as concisely put it all in a simple document that spells it out for anyone that can read!!!!!